The Library does have a rich collection of books, some of which are very rare and unique. The library does have in its possession a number of books besides different kinds of Encyclopedia. The Library also subscribes regularly to scientific Journals, News Letters, Magazines and Daily News Papers.
The users of the Library are not only students and staff of the college but also the technical staff of the nearby Agricultural Research Stations, Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVKs) and DAATT Centres of ANGRAU besides Departmental Officers including District Officers. The Library is having two large reading halls for which one is for reading and other one is for reference.
The Library also have KOHA Library management software to maintain Library data for OPAC(Online Public Access catalogue) and e-Resources access through the WEB OPAC on 24/7 for the benefit of the students, Teachers, Scientists, Extension Specialists.
The Digital Library was equipped with 28 systems with high-speed (40 MBPS) Internet Connectivity for browsing National and International Journals to get update in knowledge of students and staff.

Dr.S.Govinda Rao
Library In-Charge
Sri. Y.Kusha Raju
Junior Library Assistant
Sri.H.Narayana Rao