Department of livestock and poultry management
Livestock and poultry management is the subject related to animal science. It is offered during IVth semester of B Sc. Agriculture. It is a 2+1 course containing two theory and one practical class per week.
The main objective of this course is to develop the conceptual and practical knowledge, skills and competency related to the various aspects of livestock and allied sciences in addition to agriculture.
This departmentput efforts to inculcate high order thinking to realize the market potential and explore entrepreneurship skills to grab the opportunities in livestock farming sector.
This subject provides information about anatomy, reproductive and digestive physiology of all farm animals. It provides guidance for upcoming agriculture entrepreneurs about all managemental practice related to housing, feeding, disease control.
As a part of practical learning farm visits will be conducted to create enthusiasm and interest in animal rearing. At the time of farm visit students will get knowledge about body conformation of animals, routine farm operations, farm record keeping, economics of that enterprise and other important management practices.
This department wishes to incorporate scientific research in developing high yielding varieties of fodders for livestock to alleviate problems related to scarcity of feed.
Livestock rearing is a part of Indian agrarian economy which contributes 4.11 % to agriculture GDP. This department works in collaboration with agriculture to explore maximum benefits of integrated livestock farming.
It also works in a manner to prevent massive deaths of individuals and animals due to zoonotic diseases by timely identifying clinical symptoms at farmer level by providing information about prevention and control of zoonotic disease.