The Agricultural college, Naira, ANGRAU has SC/ST coaching cell to aid the students of scheduled tribe and scheduled caste background for their wellbeing in the campus.
- During the year 2017-18, an amount of Rs.1,50,000/- (Rupees one lakh fifty thousand only) was sanctioned towards running of Coaching Cell for SC, ST students.
- An amount of Rs.97,906/- (Rupees ninety seven thousand nine hundred and six only) was incurred towards procurement of “Books meant for JRF and other Competitive exams”
- And an amount of Rs.52,000/- (Rupees fifty two thousand only) towards purchasing 2 no’s “four door book case” in order to safe guard the books procured.

Dr. B. Santhosh
Assistant ProfessorTraining programs Conducted:
Conducted a 3 days training program under IDP Program to second year B.Sc. Ag students on “Communication and management skills for students” from 15.06.2022 to 17.06.2022.
Technical support : Virtual learning using projector and laptop, books for JRF preparation and competitive examinations.