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The Department of Entomology is engaged in providing quality teaching to Undergraduate students since the inception of Agricultural College, Naira. Coinciding with the booming passage of the past three decades after establishment of Agricultural College, Naira, a modest beginning was made by ANGRAU to start Post Graduation Programme in the Department of Entomology during the academic year 2016-17. In tune with this step forward, two seats have been allocated to the Department of Entomology in the academic year 2016-17 and from 2020 onwards three seats have been allotted. Since its inception the PG programme has been on its track. So far six batches have been admitted into PG programme in this Department and the first four batch students have received their master’s degree.

a.Learning Resources:


  1. One UG Lab is available, where the insects have been displayed on the walls of the lab order wise in insect boxes with glass top to enable the students for easy identification of insects with their families and orders. Identification of beneficial insects (predators, parasitoids, pollinators etc.).
  2. Also the lab consists of equipment required for dissection of insects, temporary and permanent slide preparation. Various insect collection equipment and collection traps; Microscopes, Centrifuges, Glassware, Chemicals etc.

b.Student Development:

Conducting practical/ Hands on training:

  • Identification of insects, dissection of mouth parts, digestive system and reproductive systems of Grass hopper/Cockroach
  • Preparation of permanent slides of antenna, legs, wings & mouth parts
  • Identification of predators, Parasitoids, weed killers & entomopathogenic fungi in various agro-ecosystems
  • Mass multiplication of Corcyra, Trichogramma and EPF, Metarrhizium anisopliae
  • Preparation of poison baits for rodents, cutworms & fruit flies
  • Agro-Ecosystem Analysis (AESA) for Paddy, Pulses, Oilseeds etc.,
  • Rearing of crop pests and preparation of life cycles
  • Preparation of Spray fluids and application techniques of spray fluids
  • Safe use of pesticides
  • Compatibility of different pesticides and their phytotoxic effects
  • Hands on training on usage of equipment (Spectrophotometer, laminar air flow, trinocular microscope with image analyser & autoclave etc., in the laboratory.
  • Field experimental layout, data recording & data analysis

c.Research Facilities:

  1. Post Graduate Laboratories and Equipment:
  2. Two Class rooms & One lab is available for PG students PG Lab where the students can Study the morphological and anatomical characters of insects
  3. They can take up rearing of insects; estimation of carbohydrates, proteins; Insect growth and development studies, larval taxonomic works etc.
  4. Very good farm of 275 acres is available with this college can meet the requirement of the PG programme in addition to UG programme at this college.
  5. Equipment available with the Dept. of Entomology in addition to Central Instrumentation Cell containing sophisticated and advanced equipment as listed below.
S. No. Name of the Equipment No. of Units
1 Stereo Zoom Microscope with image analyser 1 Nos.
2 Stereo Zoom Microscope 1 No.
3 Magnoscope (Bench Magnifiers) 16 Nos.
4 KEMI B.O.D Incubator 1 No.
5 PC based UV-VIS Spectrophotometer Model-119 1 No.
6 Electronic Digital Balance 2 Nos.
7 Micro Syringe Applicator with Needle 2 Nos.
8 REMI medico Plus Centrifuge 1 No.
9 REMI Compact Cooling Centrifuge 1 No.
10 KEMI Laminar Air Flow Cabinet 1 No.
11 KEMI Hot Air Oven 1 No.
12 KEMI Autoclave 1 No.

Teaching Staff

Dr. Sanyasi Dhurua


Mr. D. Anil Kumar

Asst. Professor

Mrs. N. Sreesandhya

Asst. Professor

Dr. Y. Srujana

Asst. Professor