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Agricultural College, Naira is a fully residential campus for the students. Naira has three hostels for Boys (Nagavali, Vamsadhara and New hostel), two for Girls (Suvarnamukhi and New Hostel). These are spacious and well furnished hostels. Apart from providing balanced hygienic food, hostels provide recreational facilities including TVs, indoor and outdoor games and open gym. Each hostel has its own wardens, Additional wardens and supporting workers.

The Suvarnamukhi hostel is facilitated with 28 rooms, mess, Dining hall, TV room, 24/7 Reading room and Open gymnasia. The New hostel is provided with 36 rooms, TV room, 24/7 reading room and four guest rooms. Besides warden and additional warden, care taker, record assistant and supporting workers are working to run the administration of the hostel. It is a student run mess wherein the mess menu is being decided by the student committee serving the nutritional needs of vegetarians and non- vegetarians.